Cinq Nord | A French Language Sandbox



Adjectives provide information about nouns. In English, adjectives precede the nouns they describe. In French, adjectives normally (but not always) follow then nouns they modify.

In French, adjectives agree with their subjects in both gender and number. Feminine adjectives typically end with an -e. When the adjective modifies a plural noun, it ends with an -s.

Exception: If the adjective ends with an -e, there is no distinction between the male and female.

Votre maison est extraordinaire!

Exception: If the adjective ends with an -s, there is no distinction between the singular and plural.

Bas— low
Beau— beautiful, handsome
Cher— expensive
Chaud— hot
Froid— cold
Costaud — sturdy
Court— short
Denrier— last, final
Desole— sorry
Drole— funny
Étroit— narrow
Faim— hungry
Formidable— fabulous
Fou— mad; insane; crazy
Haut— high; tall
Heurex— funny
Inquiet— worried
Juene— young
Joli, jolie— pretty
Jusqu’au— to (the); towards
Laid, laide— ugly
Neuf, neuve— new
Pauvre— poor; unfortunate
Mauvais— bad
Mince— thin
Sympathique— nice
Trieste— sad
Vieux, ciel, vielle— old (precedes the noun)

Cinq Nord | A French Language Sandbox