Cinq Nord | A French Language Sandbox


Pronominal Verbs and Reflexive Pronouns

A pronominal verb in French includes an object pronoun, called a reflexive pronoun. Pronominal verbs include a reference to "self," and they can have somewhat different meanings than corresponding verbs that do not include the reflexive pronoun:

There are three types of pronominal verbs: reflexive, reciprocal, and idiomatic.

The reflexive pronouns include:

With reflexive pronominal verbs, the action refers to the subject:

Les hommes se réveille ce matin.— The men woke (themselves) up this morning.

The following are some common pronominal verbs along with some corresponding verbs. Note that the infinitive includes se/s':

abaisser— to lower; to reduce; to humiliate; to humble
s’abaisser— to lower oneself; to reduce oneself; to humiliate oneself; to humble oneself
s’abstenir— to abstain
aller— to go
s’en aller— to go away
amuser— to amuse; to entertain
s’amuser— to have a good time; to amuse oneself; to enjoy oneself
appeler— to call; to name; to appeal
s’appeler— to be named; to call oneself
arrêter— to arrest, stop, halt
s'arrêter— to stop oneself; to pause
s’asseoir— to sit down
assurer— to assure, ensure, insure; to guarantee
s'assurer— to make sure; to assure onself
battre— to hit; to strike
se battre— to fight
blesser— to harm, hurt, injure, wound, offend
se blesser— to harm oneself; to hurt oneself; to injure oneself; to wound oneself
cacher— to hide
se cacher— to hide oneself
casser— to break
se casser— to break (a bone, a body part)
coucher— to put to bed; to lay; to flatten
se coucher— to go to bed; to lie down
se débrouiller— to manage; to improvise; to get by
se dépêcher— to hurry; to hasten
s’éloigner— to move away; to go away; to step back; to withdraw
s’enfuir— to run away; to escape; to flee
ennuyer— to bore, annoy, weary
s’ennuyer— to be bored
s’envoler— to fly off; to fly away
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Cinq Nord | A French Language Sandbox