Cinq Nord | A French Language Sandbox


Comparing Tenses

Infinitive, present, past…

Infinitive Parler.— To speak.
Present participleParlerant.— Speaking.
AdverbEn parlerent.— Talkative.

In the first person:

Présent tense Je parle avec mon ami.— I speak with my friend.
Passé composéJ'ai parlé avec mon ami.— I have spoken with my friend.
— I spoke with my friend.
— I did speak with my friend.
L'imparfaitJe parlais avec mon ami.— I used to speak with my friend.
— I was speaking with my friend.
Le futur procheJe vais parler avec mon ami.— I am going to speak with my friend.
Le futurJe parlerai avec mon ami.— I will speak with my friend.
Le conditionnel Je parlerais avec mon ami.— I would speak with my friend.

Cinq Nord | A French Language Sandbox